That First Click Encouraged Shoot Like a Pro

Shoot Like A Pro
Shoot Like A Pro

 Say cheese!! We all gather around the Christmas tree and the moment with the smiling faces of friends and family was immortalized. This has become a common phenomenon nowadays. We click almost everything-be food on a plate in a restaurant or a new dress. Instagram abounds in hashtags. The photographic revolution is very recent and you can enrich your skill to shoot like a pro.

The arrival of the mobile phone was a revolution that changed every individual’s life. The phones were merely a device to call back then. Then more applications got added on as calculators, games and the most important one was the mobile camera.

There was no need to carry a separate camera and rolls with us. It was an amazing inclusion it gave instant gratification, mounts of pictures could be clicked, no wait to develop the negatives and we could the unwanted pictures.

I got my first phone Nokia N73 when I was in college. I had to show it off to my friends. Not only it facilitate me to be in touch with my friends 24/7, but the pictures I had clicked with my friends back then still take me back to memory lane also comment from one of my friends I still remember was “Bro, you really can shoot like a Pro”!

Mobile devices are the real companion for the users when it comes to shooting a video or image

The first few snaps were selfies, then I was struck with only one thing-wow!!! I captured the moment, even if the pictures were not great, they gave me instant gratification. I didn’t have to wait for the roll of film to finish. Then develop the negatives and I didn’t even feel the guilt of wasting the film on something unimportant, it gave me a sense of power, it gave me happiness. I could even with a touch of a button delete the pictures that I didn’t like.

I found out my ability to click pictures. Earlier we used to click the pictures on special occasions and those snaps were stored in the album. If someone came to our place, only then we could have shared our memories, but things are different now. We can just send them to people we want and the best part is we can click as many pictures as we want without any hassles just need the storage space.

Before the mobile phones, we had to wait to see the pictures and we didn’t have the scope of retakes. Now we can click till we are satisfied that we got the perfect click. We can have candid as well as poses. Devices are not the barrier as long as you have a better idea about angle and perfection. You can start with a device like the Redmi Note 10 Pro which is having a super AMOLED display with a quad-camera that unfolds lots of opportunities in photography.

Devices are just a choice, what you need to know is the basics of photography

I was an enthusiastic teen who developed the hobby of photography. Till the time I had my phone I wasn’t sure what pleasure it would give me when I captured a moment. I started clicking flowers in my terrace garden, the sky, the trees the food that was served and started uploading them on my page. This is the time when I was using Oppo F19 Pro+ 5G.

I was an amateur, but soon I realized people were looking at my snaps and getting acknowledgment from people who belonged to different fields and a few amateur photographers too. It was a kind of high for me.

Then came an invitation to my cousin’s sister’s marriage. I thought it was my ultimate form of social event photography, gave all my soul to capture the moments, and voila it was an instant hit. Gradually discovered that I had the skill of recognizing the angles for a good picture.

I somehow knew in my heart that I can pursue it as a hobby as it filled me with an unknown kind of happiness and I was given the credit of clicking good pictures. Gradually I discovered apps that could enhance the pictures, the filters that could make them livelier. Soon I was the photographer of the group. I was asked by my family to click pictures. And for the first time in my life, I felt important.

food photography
Food Photography is a skill that you can start in your home

One day we visited a restaurant in a group and clicked random images of served food. By that time, I was a self-acclaimed photographer I clicked the pictures of the food and posted them on my blog and Instagram account. One fine morning I receive a mail from the owner of a renowned restaurant asking me if I could click pictures of food that they could upload on their website to enhance their sales.

I was thrilled beyond comprehension. They even told me that I will be paid, my happiness knew no bounds. I pounced on the offer. It was an exhausting day as I had to click hundreds of pictures. The clients finally paid me and I received my first payment. Above all, I can say if you really enjoy clicking pictures click it by heart and the days are not so far when you can shoot like a pro.

I decided to peruse mobile photography and understood that in order to learn I had to take up courses. I enrolled in online photography classes, and I learned about the intricacies of the art of mobile photography. Today I am a well-known amateur photographer in my circle of friends and family apart from being a computer engineer.

And few people out of my circle know me to know. And I get working assignments too that pay me well. The one which I clicked when I was in the school standard gave a new direction to my life. I am grateful as I am one of the few lucky ones who can escape the humdrum of life. Till the time that I realized that mobile cameras can easily replace DSLRs. All you have to do is pick up your mobile and start shooting like a pro.